Welcome to

Arcara Access.

With our personalized and holistic services, we help you access true well-being, lasting relief, and vitality.


Have you tried multiple psychiatric medications but never experienced complete symptom relief? Are you experiencing brain fog, irritability, trouble losing weight, hot flashes, chronic joint pain, lack of focus, or poor digestion? We understand how frustrating this can be.

At Arcara Access, we offer personalized programs to address the root causes of your symptoms. Our approach goes beyond just prescribing medications; instead, we focus on lifestyle adjustments, supplements, hormone regulation, and supportive guidance to help you find long-lasting relief and feel your best.

About Us

Arcara Access takes a holistic approach to mental health, focusing on nutrition, supplementation, hormone balance, and nervous system regulation. Instead of just treating symptoms, we delve into the root causes. Our goal is to improve your well-being by addressing these foundational issues and empowering you to create life-long results.

Why Choose Us?

At Arcara Access, we are committed to providing comprehensive care that makes a difference in your life. Here are some reasons our clients choose us:

Holistic Approach

We focus on the whole person, not just the symptoms, addressing the root causes of your health issues.

Personalized Care

Our packages are tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you receive the most effective treatment.

Expert Team

Our team of professionals includes an experienced practitioner, health coach, and wellness mentor dedicated to your success.

Comprehensive Services

From lifestyle adjustments and supplementation to hormone regulation and mental wellness support, we offer a wide range of services to help you achieve your health goals.

Convenient and Accessible

With virtual consultations and home-based testing, we make getting the care you need easy.

Our Services

At Arcara Access, we offer a variety of services designed to support your mental and physical well-being. Our comprehensive packages include everything you need to start feeling better and living a healthier life.

Mental Wellness Package

Our Mental Wellness Package offers comprehensive support to boost your mental health. You’ll receive personalized advice and encouragement through biweekly video calls and weekly health coaching sessions.

As part of the wellness curriculum, you will receive a daily email with valuable information about diet and supplements. Our Supplement Bank delivers personalized, high-quality supplements right to your door.

This package also includes two diagnostic tests to monitor your progress. Our Optional Services Bank offers additional tailored services such as TMS, nervous system regulation, therapy, and stress reduction to meet your specific needs.

Bio-Identical Hormone Package

Our Bio-Identical Hormone Package begins with a one-hour initial evaluation. This can be done in person at our Westboro office or via video call, depending on your preference. We create a personalized plan and conduct the necessary testing, including diagnostics, blood work, urine tests, and saliva tests, all from the comfort of your home. The samples will then be sent to the lab.

Once we receive your lab results, we will schedule a follow-up appointment to explain them to you and discuss whether Bio-HRT is suitable for you. We provide check-ins every three months and order repeat tests before each appointment to make any necessary changes.

This subscription includes all provider appointments, ongoing guidance, the necessary hormones (progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone), and supplies for testosterone injections if required.

Begin Your Journey to Wellness Today

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you? Contact Arcara Access to find out more about how our services can help you achieve long-lasting results. Your path to wellness begins here.